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. 2020 Feb 22;30(4):497–538. doi: 10.1007/s00787-020-01487-7

Table 3.

Visual processing

Study Age at different assessments (in months) Total number of participants Number of EL siblings Number of siblings with ASD outcome Number of siblings with TD outcome Number of siblings with another outcomea Topic Assessment method Diagnostic instruments Difference EL-ASD vs EL-TD and/or predicts ASD diagnosis
Estes et al. (2015) US [26] 6, 12, 24 308 210 31 161 18 Visual processing Mullen Scale of Early Learning (MSEL) ADOS-G, ADI-R, expert clinical judgment according to DSM-IV-TR No

On the Visual Reception scale:

at 6 m EL-Autism (autism diagnosis) had a significantly lower score than TL

no difference between EL-ASD, EL-TD and TL was found

at 12 m EL-ASD showed a lower score than TL

at 24 m EL-Autism had a lower score than EL-TD and TL

EL-ASD had a lower score than TL

Germani et al. (2014) Canada [44] 24, 36 90 59 14 45 Visual processing Infant Toddler Sensory Profile (ITSP) ADOS-G, ADI-R, MSEL, expert clinical judgment according to DSM-IV-TR No At 24 m no difference was found between EL-ASD, EL-TD and TL
Kaur et al. (2015) US [43] 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24 32 16 (2 preterm) 3 8 5 Visual processing Infants seated in a booster seat. Objects presented: a rattle, a koosh ball, a rigid ball Ages and Stages Questionnaire-third edition (ASQ-3), Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT), follow-up inquires with parents No

EL showed a general trend of excessive visual exploration of objects, irrespective of the novelty of the objects (i.e. excessive looking at the rattle at 6 m and at the koosh ball at 12 m), compared to TL

TL but not EL showed increased looking at the koosh ball from 12 to 15 m

Landa et al. (2006) US [47] 6, 14, 24 87 87 24 52 11 Visual processing MSEL ADOS, expert clinical judgment according to DSM-IV Yes

At 14 m EL-ASD showed the same score in visual processing as EL-TD

EL-ASD showed a lower increase over time than EL-TD

EL-ASD showed the lowest increase over time

Landa et al. (2012) US [41] 6, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36 204 204 52 121 31 Visual processing MSEL ADOS-G, expert clinical judgment Yes

EL-ASD were more likely assigned to the developmental slowing class compared to EL-TD (typical functioning at 6 m followed by attenuation in developmental rate and severe delay in visual processing)

EL-Other (BAP) were assigned to normative class (normative visual processing development)

Libertus et al. (2014) US [42] 6, 36 129 107 22 57 28 Visual processing MSEL ADOS-G, expert clinical judgment according to DSM-IV No At 6 m no effect of group on the Visual Reception scale was found

aAtypical outcome: deficit in general cognition, motor functioning, language delay, Broader Autism Phenotype (BAP, social communication delay)