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. 2020 Feb 22;30(4):497–538. doi: 10.1007/s00787-020-01487-7

Table 5.

Motor functioning

Study Age at different assessments (in months) Total number of participants Number of EL siblings Number of siblings with ASD outcome Number of siblings with TD outcome Number of siblings with another outcomea Topic Assessment method Diagnostic instruments Difference EL-ASD vs EL-TD and/or predicts ASD diagnosis Main findings
Brian et al. (2008) Canada [46] 6–12, 18, 36 228 155 35 120 Motor control, general motor behaviour ADOS-G, AOSI ADOS-G, ADI-R, expert clinical judgment according to DSM-IV-TR Yes

At time 1 (6-12 m):

no motor impairment was identified in any participant

At time 2 (18 m):

EL-ASD showed atypical motor behaviour compared to EL-TD and to TL and abnormal motor control compared to TL

Motor control predicted, with other dimensions, ASD at 36 m

Choi et al. (2018) US [48] 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 170 101 30 71 - Fine motor milestones MSEL ADOS-G Yes

At 12 m no difference between EL-ASD, EL-TD and TL

EL-ASD had lower fine motor skills than EL-TD at 12 m and than TL at 18 m

EL-ASD had lower growth rate than TL but not compared to EL-TD from 6 to 24 m

Estes et al. (2015) US [26] 6, 12, 24 308 210 31 161 18 Fine and gross motor milestones MSEL ADOS, ADI-R, expert clinical judgment No

At 6 m EL-Autism had lower gross motor scores than TL

At 24 m EL-Autism had lower scores in both Gross and Fine motor scales than EL-TD and TL.

EL-ASD had lower scores in Fine motor scale than TL

Kaur et al. (2015) US [43] 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24 32 16 (2 preterm) 3 (2 preterm) 8 5 Fine motor milestones (grasping, dropping, mouthing) Infants seated in a booster seat. Objects presented: a rattle, a koosh ball, a rigid ball ASQ-3, M-CHAT, follow-up inquiries with parents No

Grasping: EL showed less grasping of the rigid ball at 6 m than TL. Between 6 and 9 m TL had reduced grasping of the rigid ball; EL had increased grasping of the rigid ball and rattle. Between 9 and 12 m TL increased grasping of the rattle and EL increased grasping of the koosh ball

Dropping: EL at 6 m showed much less dropping of the rigid ball, more dropping of objects from 6 to 9 m but lower level of dropping from 12 to 15 m compared to TL. TL showed increased dropping of objects from 6 to 9 m, while EL had delayed increase in dropping from 12 to 15 m

Mouthing: EL showed less mouthing of the rattle at 6 m and more mouthing of the rattle and rigid ball at 15 m compared to TL

Iverson et al. (2019) US [63] 6, 36 625 437 69 317 51 Fine and gross motor milestones MSEL ADOS, expert clinical judgment according to DSM-IV-TR Yes Fine motor but not gross motor scores at 6 m predicted ASD at 36 m
Landa et al. (2006) US [47] 6, 14, 24 87 87 24 52 11 Fine and gross motor milestones MSEL ADOS-G, expert clinical judgment according to DSM-IV Yes

At 14 m EL-ASD had a lower score than EL-TD in Gross motor and Fine motor scales

EL-ASD showed a lower increase over time than EL-TD

Landa et al. (2012) US [41] 6, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36 204 204 52 121 31 Fine and gross motor milestones MSEL ADOS-G, expert clinical judgment Yes

EL-ASD were more likely assigned to the developmental slowing class (typical functioning at 6 m followed by attenuation in developmental rate and severe delay in fine and gross motor development) compared to EL-TD

EL-Other (BAP) were assigned to normative class or language/motor delay class (fine motor delay at 6 m followed by normative development in all areas except in gross and fine motor development)

LeBarton et al. (2019) US [64] 6, 24, 30, 36 140 89 20 69 Fine (visual-motor integration, grasping) and gross (stationary) motor milestones Peabody Developmental Motor Scales – 2 (PDMS2) ADOS-G Yes

At 6 m EL-ASD showed worse visual-motor integration than TL; no significant between-group difference at 6 m in stationary and grasping was found

Visual-motor integration at 6 m predicted ASD at 24–36 m

Libertus et al. (2014) US [42] 6, 36 129 107 22 57 28 Fine and gross motor milestones MSEL ADOS-G, expert clinical judgment according to DSM-IV No

At 6 m:

for gross motor development, no between-group difference was found

for fine motor development, significantly higher scores in TL than EL-TD, EL-Other and  EL-ASD were found. Post-hoc comparison showed no differences between the 3 EL subgroups

Nickel et al. (2013) US [27] 6, 9, 12, 14, 18, 21, 24, 36 40 22 4 (EL-Autism) 18 Posture Home videos videotaped and coded ADOS-G, expert clinical judgment according to DSM-IV Yes From 6 to 12 m EL-Autism were seen in half as many different postures as EL-TD and TL (positions at 6 m: prone, supine, sit supported, sit unsupported, all-4) but by 14 m differences were no longer visible
Sacrey et al. (2018) Canada [49] 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24, 3 30 10 10 10 Fine and gross motor milestones: reach-to-grasp movement (orient, lift, pronate, grasp) Videos during AOSI, ADOS-G, videotaped and scored using the Skilled Reaching Rating Scale ADOS-G, ADI-R, expert clinical blind assessment according to DSM-IV-TR Yes

EL-ASD had worse reach-to-grasp scores than EL-TD and TL (which did not differ); no group × age interaction was found

EL-ASD showed:

worse orient and lift than TL but did not differ from EL-TD

worse pronate scores than EL-TD and TL

no difference in grasp from any other group

Improvement in orienting started between 9 and 12 m and in lifting and pronate from 6 m

aAtypical outcome: deficit in general cognition, motor functioning, language delay, Broader Autism Phenotype (BAP, social communication delay)