Cultured skin-derived MCs were subjected to different pretreatments at time point zero: C48/80 (10 µg/ml), codeine (50 µg/ml), IgER CL (AER-37, 0.1 µg/ml), or C3a (10 nM) versus no stimulus (no prestim). All pretreatments induced degranulation: AER-37, most strongly (30–50% net release); C3a, least strongly (5–10%), as determined separately. Cells were washed after 1 hour and cultured in regular medium. After (a, c, d) 24 or (b) 48 hours, cells were subjected to a second stimulation with codeine (top panel) or C48/80 (bottom). Net β-hexosaminidase release was assessed and normalized to the no prestim group; mean ± SEM and n = 5–8 different cultures. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001. C48/80, compound 48/80; CL, crosslinking; h, hour; IgER, IgE receptor; MC, mast cell; prestim, prestimulation.