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. 2021 Mar 30;12:645107. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.645107


Overview of the significant QTLs of univariate GWAS and multivariate GWAS associated with target traits.

Traits1 GGA2 Base-pair region
nSNP3 Lead SNP
Alleles MAF P-value Candidate gene PVE(%)4 GVE(%)5 Position
Start End (rsname)
BW42 24 5658679 5835194 14 5741556 C/G 0.23 4.06E-09 DRD2 2.75 4.85 Intron 1
CW 24 5658679 5754835 13 5741556 C/G 0.23 3.97E-09 DRD2 2.79 5.00 Intron 1
EW 24 5632110 5835194 49 5741556 C/G 0.23 3.46E-10 DRD2 3.43 7.71 Intron 1
WThW 24 5741556 5874395 5 5741556 C/G 0.23 1.21E-08 DRD2 2.81 5.96 Intron 1
ThW 24 5741556 5744643 3 5741556 C/G 0.23 2.62E-08 DRD2 2.72 5.89 Intron 1
ThMW 24 5741556 5744643 2 5741556 C/G 0.23 4.94E-08 DRD2 2.52 4.95 Intron 1
WThP 3 53032570 53075086 65 53034833 T/C 0.35 2.40E-09 ADGRG6 3.55 11.89 Intron 2
ThP 3 53032570 53075086 68 53034833 T/C 0.35 4.61E-09 ADGRG6 3.43 13.56 Intron 2
BW42, CW, EW 24 5658679 5744643 4 5741556 C/G 0.23 1.15E-08 DRD2 / / Intron 1
BW42, CW, EW, WThW, ThW, ThMW 24 5741556 5741556 1 5741556 C/G 0.23 1.28E-07 DRD2 / / Intron 1
WThP, ThP, ThMP 3 53032570 53757085 58 53033387 C/T 0.33 8.63E-09 ADGRG6 / / Intron 2

1Body weight at 42 days of age (BW42), carcass weight (CW), eviscerated weight (EW), whole thigh weight (WThW), thigh weight (ThW), thigh muscle weight (ThMW), whole thigh percentage (WThP), thigh percentage (ThP), thigh muscle percentage (ThMP). 2Gallus gallus chromosome. 3The number of significant SNPs in the interval. 4Variance in phenotype explained by the lead SNP. 5Genetic variance explained by the lead SNP.