Traits1 | GGA2 |
Base-pair region |
nSNP3 |
Lead SNP |
Alleles | MAF | P-value | Candidate gene | PVE(%)4 | GVE(%)5 | Position | |
Start | End | (rsname) | ||||||||||
BW42 | 24 | 5658679 | 5835194 | 14 | 5741556 | C/G | 0.23 | 4.06E-09 | DRD2 | 2.75 | 4.85 | Intron 1 |
CW | 24 | 5658679 | 5754835 | 13 | 5741556 | C/G | 0.23 | 3.97E-09 | DRD2 | 2.79 | 5.00 | Intron 1 |
EW | 24 | 5632110 | 5835194 | 49 | 5741556 | C/G | 0.23 | 3.46E-10 | DRD2 | 3.43 | 7.71 | Intron 1 |
WThW | 24 | 5741556 | 5874395 | 5 | 5741556 | C/G | 0.23 | 1.21E-08 | DRD2 | 2.81 | 5.96 | Intron 1 |
ThW | 24 | 5741556 | 5744643 | 3 | 5741556 | C/G | 0.23 | 2.62E-08 | DRD2 | 2.72 | 5.89 | Intron 1 |
ThMW | 24 | 5741556 | 5744643 | 2 | 5741556 | C/G | 0.23 | 4.94E-08 | DRD2 | 2.52 | 4.95 | Intron 1 |
WThP | 3 | 53032570 | 53075086 | 65 | 53034833 | T/C | 0.35 | 2.40E-09 | ADGRG6 | 3.55 | 11.89 | Intron 2 |
ThP | 3 | 53032570 | 53075086 | 68 | 53034833 | T/C | 0.35 | 4.61E-09 | ADGRG6 | 3.43 | 13.56 | Intron 2 |
BW42, CW, EW | 24 | 5658679 | 5744643 | 4 | 5741556 | C/G | 0.23 | 1.15E-08 | DRD2 | / | / | Intron 1 |
BW42, CW, EW, WThW, ThW, ThMW | 24 | 5741556 | 5741556 | 1 | 5741556 | C/G | 0.23 | 1.28E-07 | DRD2 | / | / | Intron 1 |
WThP, ThP, ThMP | 3 | 53032570 | 53757085 | 58 | 53033387 | C/T | 0.33 | 8.63E-09 | ADGRG6 | / | / | Intron 2 |
1Body weight at 42 days of age (BW42), carcass weight (CW), eviscerated weight (EW), whole thigh weight (WThW), thigh weight (ThW), thigh muscle weight (ThMW), whole thigh percentage (WThP), thigh percentage (ThP), thigh muscle percentage (ThMP). 2Gallus gallus chromosome. 3The number of significant SNPs in the interval. 4Variance in phenotype explained by the lead SNP. 5Genetic variance explained by the lead SNP.