WD40 improves the activity of hydrophobic and nonplanar antibiotics in
P. aeruginosa (strain PA14). (A) Bar graph showing MIC fold
changes for antibiotics in combination with WD40. The names of drugs are colored blue
for those with reported antipseudomonal activity. To identify which physicochemical
properties are best predictors for potentiation, dot plots were generated of MIC fold
change versus (B) molecular weight, (C) ClogP, (D) globularity, (E) plane-of-best-fit
(PBF), and (F) number of rotating bonds. (B–F) Drugs with reported
antipseudomonal activity are indicated by blue dots. Only small molecule antibiotics
were included in correlation analysis. Therefore, colistin and vancomycin are excluded
from the shown graphs. Pearson’s correlation coefficients (r)
and p-values were calculated using linear regression analysis. The
results were reproduced in two independent experiments. For each experiment,
n = 1 per antibiotic.