Table 2.
Course evaluation questionnaire completed by SBML-trained residents (n = 55) based on a five-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree)
Item | Mean (SD) |
1. Practice during the ventilation simulation session boosts my skill to manage a ventilator. | 4.76 (0.43) |
2. It is OK to make clinical mistakes using the ventilator simulation model. | 4.60 (0.53) |
3. I received useful educational feedback from the training session. | 4.78 (0.42) |
4. The ventilator model simulates a mechanically ventilated patient realistically. | 4.51 (0.60) |
5. Practice with the ventilator simulator boosts my clinical self-confidence. | 4.64 (0.62) |
6. Repetitive practice using simulation is a valuable educational experience. | 4.80 (0.40) |
7. My instructor was prepared to teach the session. | 4.91 (0.29) |
8. This session has helped prepare me to better manage ventilated patients in the intensive care unit. | 4.71 (0.50) |
9. Please rate the overall quality of the session.* | 4.89 (0.31) |
For definition of abbreviations, see Table 1.
Five-point Likert scale (1 = very poor; 5 = very good).