Table 3.
Number average molecular weight (), weight average molecular weight (), polydispersity index (PDI) and %yield of PCLs from bulk polymerization of ε-CL initiated by Sn(Oct)2/n-HexOH at 140, 160 and 180 °C for 1 h
Model | Symbol | f(α) | Model description |
Reaction model | A1 (F1) | (1-α) | Unimolecular decay law (instantaneous nucleation and unidimensional growth) |
Nucleation models | A2 | 2(1-α)[-ln(1-α)]1/2 | Avrami-Erofeev (random instant nucleation and 2D growth) |
A3 | 3(1-α)[-ln(1-α)]2/3 | Avrami-Erofeev (random instant nucleation and 3D growth) | |
P2 | 2α1/2 | Power law (nuclei growth is a constant) | |
P3 | 3α2/3 | Power law (nuclei growth is a constant) | |
Geometricalcontraction models | R2 | 2(1-α)1/2 | Phase boundary control reaction (contraction area, i.e., bidimensional shape) |
R3 | 3(1-α)2/3 | Phase boundary control reaction (contraction area, i.e., tridimensional shape) | |
Diffusion models | D1 | 1/(2α) | 1D diffusion (disk particle shape) |
D2 | 1/[-ln(1-α)] | 2D diffusion (cylinder particle shape) |