Fig. 4. Combined GWAS-PheWAS approach for moderate CKD (G3 or greater).
Manhattan plots for a eMERGE Europeans (7536 cases, 17,841 controls) with a genome wide-significant signal at the UMOD locus (red); b eMERGE African-Americans (702 cases, 2029 controls) with a genome wide-significant signal at the APOL1 locus (red); regional plots for the c UMOD and d APOL1 loci; eMERGE-based PheWAS plot for the top SNPs at the e UMOD (n = 78,638 Europeans) and f APOL1 (n = 16,976 African Americans) loci; upward triangles refer to increased risk; downward triangles indicate reduced risk; horizontal doted lines refer to Bonferroni-corrected significance thresholds.