Survival by Histology and Receipt of NAC. (A) OS in Institutional Cohort, Stratified by Histology. (B) RFS in Institutional Cohort, Stratified by Histology. (C) OS in Institutional Cohort of Patients With cT2-4 MPC, Stratified by NAC Receipt. (D) OS in SEER-Medicare Cohort of Patients With cT2-4 MPC, Stratified by NAC Receipt. *Exact Counts Masked in Compliance With Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services/Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (CMS/SEER) Publication Policy of No Counts With < 11 Cases
Abbreviations: CUC = conventional urothelial carcinoma; MPC = micropapillary urothelial carcinoma; NAC = neoadjuvant chemotherapy; OS = overall survival; RC = radical cystectomy; RFS = recurrence-free survival.