Absence of detectable neurodegeneration and alterations in cytoarchitecture in the hippocampus of amplicon-injected animals
(A–H) Dorsal hippocampal, FJC-stained sections prepared from a negative control, vehicle-injected (A), a positive control, JΔNI R0 injected (B), and amplicon vector injected animals (C–H, as indicated), at 4 dpi. Note numerous FCJ-positive in the positive control, but not in other groups. (I–P) As above, hematoxylin and eosin stained. Obvious cell loss, cytoarchitecture damage, and cell infiltration in (J), but not in other groups. These images are representative of 5 section per animal, 6 animals per group except 4 animals per group in (C), (D) (K), and (L). Horizontal bar in (H) (for A–H panels), 500 μm; horizontal bar in (P) (for I–P panels), 320 μm.