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. 2021 Mar 26;24(4):102361. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.102361

Table 2.

Differential gene expression output table—statistics

Norm. expr. (sample A) Log2fc (comparison A) P value (comparison A) Adj p value (comparison A) Mean (all samples) Stdev (all samples) LRT p value Mean (group A) Stdev (group A)
263.864 −0.078 0.648 0.848 198.735 31.756 0.484 225.550 36.759
200.493 0.341 0.033 0.198 147.061 19.197 0.740 174.839 24.073
19.040 0.691 0.137 NA 11.035 3.121 NA 15.706 2.889
644.811 0.126 0.366 0.655 669.586 68.327 1.000 688.123 76.969

Truncated version of the differential_expression.csv file provided as GeneLab processed data for GLDS-251. Following the seven columns of gene IDs and annotations (Table 1) are normalized gene expression data for each sample (Norm. expr. (sample A)) then results from all possible pairwise comparisons, including log2 fold change (Log2fc (comparison A)), p values (P.value (comparison A)), and adjusted p values (Adj.p.value (comparison A)) calculated from the Wald Tests. Next are the average gene expression (Mean (all samples)) and standard deviation (Stdev (all samples)) of all samples followed by the F-statistic p value generated from the likelihood ratio test (LRT.p.value), and the last set of columns are the average gene expressions (Group.Mean) and standard deviations (Group.Stdev) of samples within each group.