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. 2021 Mar 31;8:641818. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.641818

Table 3.

Manual methods used for PRP production from equine blood and potential classification according to the systems proposed for human PRP classification.

Authors Type of study Design Tubes and other materials used for PRP protocol PLT, WBC, and RBC concentrations per μL of PRP Human PRP Classification*
Fontenot et al. (66) Hematological study Comparison between two manual and semiautomated methods for producing PRP. 60-mL syringe containing 8 mL of ACD-A.
10-mL plain glass tubes.
Centrifugation at 1200 g/3 min
Centrifugation at 2000 g/3 min.
50 mL conical tube
PLT × 103/μL:
267.5 ± 142.8
WBC × 103/μL: ND
RBC × 106/μL: NR
It was no possible to classify these PRPs according to the published information.
PLT × 103/μL:
399.4 ± 157.1
WBC × 103/μL: ND
RBC × 106/μL: NR
PLT × 103/μL:
433.0 ± 126.9 WBC × 103/μL: ND
RBC × 106/μL: NR
Maciel et al. (70) Experimental in vivo study Evaluation of PRP in equine burns. 15 mL Falcon tubes containing 10% sodium citrate. Centrifugation at 300 g/10 min PLT × 103/μL: 723.0 ± 50
WBC × 103/μL: NR
RBC × 106/μL: NR
It was no possible to classify this PRP according to the published information.
Giraldo et al. (19) Hematological study Evaluation of the effect of intrinsic factors on equine PRP. n = 40 8.5-mL ACD-A tubes that were centrifuged two times at 120 g/5 min and 240 g/5 min. PLT × 103/μL:
304.3 ± 43.9
WBC × 103/μL:
4.3 ± 2.2
RBC × 106/μL: 0.14 ± 0.1
P-PRP (61)
P2B (60)
Type 1B (64)
Hessel et al. (68) Hematological study Were compared hematological variables of equine PRPs obtained with 4 commercially available systems and a non-commercial double-centrifugation technique. n = 6 horses. 60-mL syringe containing 8 mL of ACD-A.
10-mL plain glass tubesCentrifugated two times at 300 g/10 min.
PLT × 103/μL:
310.4 ± 164.5
WBC × 103/μL:
18.2 ± 11.8
RBC × 106/μL: NR
L-PRP (61)
P2A (60)
Type 1B (64)
Moraes et al. (71) Experimental in vivo research Evaluation of the effect of PRP in equine joints. n = 8 horses. Tubes containing sodium citrate that were centrifugated two times at 150 g/5 min and 800 g/5 min. PLT × 103/μL:
423.0 ± NR
WBC × 103/μL:
8.36 ± NR
RBC × 106/μL: NR
L-PRP (61)
P2A (60)
Type 1B (64)

For acronym mean, please see Table 1.