Utilization: |
When ingrowth is clinically significant (central, progressing, and/or causing reduced visual acuity or increased visual symptoms), and when patient prefers laser treatment over more invasive surgical options |
Settings: |
Nd:YAG laser set at lowest setting (per pulse energy 0.5–0.7mJ)
HeNE beams focused on area of ingrowth
Pulses aimed slightly shallow
Assessment: |
Before DIEYAG: Define extent of the ingrowth observed on biomicroscopy; approximate borders are also seen as hyperreflective areas on corneal cross section with Pentacam |
Successful treatment: Bubbles at interface between the flap and stromal bed appear when laser energy is applied directly to areas of ingrowth |
Follow up: Halting of progression and gradual dissolution of ingrowth are observed on biomicroscopy and Pentacam corneal cross section |