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. 2021 Apr 14;47(5):538–548. doi: 10.1007/s00134-021-06388-0

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics and outcomes of 13,301 critically ill COVID-19 patients, total and by periods

Characteristics Total
n = 13,301
Period 1
n = 2184
Period 2
n = 3536
Period 3
n = 3938
Period 4
n = 3643
Age, median (IQR) 54 (41, 69) 55 (43, 70) 57 (43, 73) 51 (40, 66) 53 (41, 67)
 < 40 2832 (21%) 421 (19%) 642 (18%) 943 (24%) 826 (23%)
 40–49 2636 (20%) 421 (19%) 639 (18%) 853 (22%) 723 (20%)
 50–59 2583 (19%) 433 (20%) 665 (19%) 769 (20%) 716 (20%)
 60–69 2088 (16%) 354 (16%) 541 (15%) 558 (14%) 635 (17%)
 70–79 1502 (11%) 275 (13%) 443 (13%) 414 (11%) 370 (10%)
 ≥ 80 1660 (12%) 280 (13%) 606 (17%) 401 (10%) 373 (10%)
Sex, No. (%)
 Female 5549 (42%) 861 (39%) 1482 (42%) 1674 (43%) 1532 (42%)
 Male 7752 (58%) 1323 (61%) 2054 (58%) 2264 (57%) 2111 (58%)
Admissions from emergency department 10,240 (77%) 1576 (72%) 2479 (70%) 3236 (82%) 2949 (81%)
Modified Frailty Index (MFI)
 Mean (SD) 1.07 (1.25) 1.13 (1.25) 1.26 (1.33) 0.96 (1.20) 0.96 (1.19)
 Median (IQR) 1 (0, 2) 1 (0, 2) 1 (0, 2) 1 (0, 2) 1 (0, 2)
   Non-frail (MFI = 0) 5860 (44%) 914 (42%) 1335 (38%) 1884 (48%) 1727 (47%)
   Pre-frail (MFI = 1–2) 5717 (43%) 954 (44%) 1605 (45%) 1620 (41%) 1538 (42%)
   Frail (MFI >  = 3) 1724 (13%) 316 (14%) 596 (17%) 434 (11%) 378 (10%)
SAPS-3, median (IQR) 42 (37, 50) 43 (37, 52) 44 (39, 54) 41 (37, 48) 42 (38, 49)
SOFA, median (IQR) 0 (0, 2) 1 (0, 3) 1 (0, 3) 0 (0, 2) 0 (0, 2)
PaO2/FiO2 [n  = 4,649] 221 (108, 357) 202 (102, 314) 217 (110, 352) 239 (110, 414) 224 (110, 357)
 Normal (> 300) 1580 (34%) 238 (27%) 475 (32%) 501 (40%) 366 (35%)
 Mild (201–300) 957 (21%) 200 (23%) 310 (21%) 217 (17%) 230 (22%)
 Moderate (101–200) 1015 (22%) 217 (25%) 352 (24%) 238 (19%) 208 (20%)
 Severe (≤ 100) 1097 (24%) 216 (25%) 339 (23%) 293 (23%) 249 (24%)
Oxygen support, No. (%) 9113 (69%) 1457 (67%) 2272 (64%) 2880 (73%) 2504 (69%)
Advanced respiratory support, No. (%) 4188 (31%) 727 (33%) 1264 (36%) 1058 (27%) 1139 (31%)
 Non-invasive respiratory support (NIRS) 2423 (18%) 182 (8.3%) 567 (16%) 772 (20%) 902 (25%)
   Only NPPV 2061 (85%) 168 (92%) 519 (92%) 659 (85%) 715 (79%)
   Only HFNC 136 (5.6%) 8 (4.4%) 26 (4.6%) 48 (6.2%) 54 (6.0%)
   Both 226 (9.3%) 6 (3.3%) 22 (3.9%) 65 (8.4%) 133 (15%)
 Only NIRS 1558 (12%) 84 (3.8%) 308 (8.7%) 513 (13%) 653 (18%)
 NIRS failure 865 (6.5%) 98 (4.5%) 259 (7.3%) 259 (6.6%) 249 (6.8%)
Only invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) 1765 (13%) 545 (25%) 697 (20%) 286 (7.3%) 237 (6.5%)
Vasopressor, No. (%) 1986 (15%) 476 (22%) 735 (21%) 402 (10%) 373 (10%)
Renal replacement therapy, No. (%) 989 (7.4%) 256 (12%) 367 (10%) 215 (5.5%) 151 (4.1%)
Length-of-stay (LOS), Median (IQR)
 ICU [ n = 13,294] 5 (2, 10) 6 (3, 13) 6 (3, 12) 4 (2, 9) 5 (2, 9)
 Hospital [ n = 13,219] 8 (5, 15) 9 (6, 18) 10 (6, 18) 7 (5, 14) 7 (5, 13)
Hospitalizations with LOS > 7 days
 ICU [ n = 13,294] 4660 (35%) 899 (41%) 1398 (40%) 1190 (30%) 1173 (32%)
 Hospital [ n = 13,219] 7304 (55%) 1324 (61%) 2252 (64%) 1931 (49%) 1797 (50%)
60-day in-hospital deaths, No. (%) 1785 (13%) 380 (17%) 649 (18%) 405 (10%) 351 (9.6%)
 Only NIRS [n = 1,558] 72 (4.6%) 6 (7.1%) 14 (4.5%) 22 (4.3%) 30 (4.6%)
 NIRS failure [ n = 865] 444 (51%) 40 (41%) 125 (48%) 139 (54%) 140 (56%)
 Only IMV [ n = 1,765] 1028 (58%) 285 (52%) 430 (62%) 177 (62%) 136 (57%)
ICU deaths, No. (%) [ n = 13,294] 1446 (11%) 321 (15%) 542 (15%) 317 (8.1%) 266 (7.3%)
In-hospital deaths, No. (%) [ n= 13,219] 1814 (14%) 385 (18%) 662 (19%) 412 (11%) 355 (9.8%)
Ongoing patients, No. (%) 82 (0.6%) 16 (0.7%) 26 (0.7%) 15 (0.4%) 25 (0.7%)

*Period 1—February 27th to April 25th; Period 2—April 26th to June 6th; Period 3—June 7th to August 10th; and Period 4—August 11th to October 28th.

SD—standard deviation; IQR—interquartile range; SAPS—Simplified Acute Physiology Score; SOFA—Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; NIRS—non-invasive respiratory support; NPPV—non-invasive positive pressure ventilation; HFNC—high-flow nasal cannula; IMV—invasive mechanical ventilation; ICU—intensive care unit