TR-Cubes MHT damage on
patient CR-CSCs #21 and more specifically
on qCR-CSCs #21. (a) Flow cytometry analysis of annexin V–FITC
and PI staining was used to evaluate the cell viability following
MHT treatment (f = 182 kHz reaching a fixed temperature
of 45 °C for 90 min). Triplicates from the control nontreated
cells and the cells exposed to MHT for 90 min were measured. The purple
population in the dot plot represents live cells; green, the apoptotic
fraction; and red, the dead PI-stained cells. (b) PKHpos cell death estimation based on confocal microscope analysis using
Sytox blue staining, specific for dead cells. Left panel, images acquired
by confocal microscopy: the green signal represents PKHpos cells, the blue signal represents dead cells, and colocalized green
and blue represent dead PKHpos cells. Right panel, cumulative
representation of live (green) vs dead (blue) PKHpos cell
quantified from the acquired confocal images. At least 500 PKHpos cells were counted per each time point in n = 3 independent experiments. The mean data are reported, and error
bars represent SD. Scale bar of 50 μm.