Analysis of the number of somata and complexity of the dendritic arbor of parvalbumin expressing interneurons in the infralimbic cortex.
A & B: Representative 3D reconstructions of the dendritic arbor of PV expressing interneurons in control and stressed animals, both in males (A) and females (B) at P84. C1- E1: Graphs representing the total number of TdTomato expressing somata in IL cortex. C2- E2: graphs showing the results of Sholl analysis of these PV-expressing interneurons, indicating the number of intersections per Sholl sphere (see material and methods for details). C3- E3: Graphs showing the results of Sholl analysis grouping the data in proximal (spheres in 0–60 μm), medial (spheres in 60–100 μm) and distal (spheres in 100–160 μm) regions. Graphs in green include data from all experimental animals (not separated by sex) (C; N: controls = 18, PPS = 15). Graphs in orange include data from males (D; N: controls = 10, PPS = 7). Graphs in purple include data from females (E; N: controls = 8, PPS = 8). Values represent mean ± S.E.M. Asterisks in graphs indicate statistically significant effects between groups (Control x Stress) after unpaired Student's t-test. Symbols: # 0.1 > p > 0.05; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001. Scale bar 25 μm.