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. 2020 Dec;21(12):3595–3603. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2020.21.12.3595

Table 4.

Associations between Participant Characteristics and Willingness to Take the HPV Vaccine

Variables Willing to take HPV vaccine
N (%)*
Not willing to take HPV vaccine
N (%)*
Male 70 (43) 92 (57) 0.417†
Female 141 (47) 158 (53)
Academic year
Preclinical 97 (41) 140 (59) 0.021†
Clinical 101 (52) 93 (48)
Cumulative GPA§ 0.471†
Excellent 82 (44) 106 (56)
Very good 104 (47) 115 (53)
Good and below 21 (39) 33 (61)
Previously vaccinated against hepatitis B 0.007†
Yes 122 (51) 117 (49)
No 87 (39) 138 (61)
History of STDs 0.197‡
Yes 6 (67) 3 (33)
No 205 (44) 259 (56)
Marital status 0.886†
Single 206 (45) 254 (55)
Married 6 (43) 8 (57)
HPV knowledge score|| 0.018†
High 19 (66) 10 (34)
Low 168 (43) 223 (57)
HPV vaccination knowledge score|| 0.161†
High 17 (57) 13 (43)
Low 181 (44) 235 (56)
HPV-related OPC knowledge score|| 0.905†
High 7 (44) 9 (56)
Low 191 (45) 231 (55)

HPV, human papillomavirus; GPA, grade point average; STDs, sexually transmitted diseases; OPC, oropharyngeal cancer; *Some numbers do not add up to the total sample number because of missing values. †Chi-square test was used; ‡Fisher’s exact test was used; §GPA, excellent 4.50 – 5.00; very good 3.75 – 4.49; good and below 2.00 – 3.74. ||, Knowledge score; 75% and above was considered high; below 75% was considered low.