Figure 2. Acute IL-13 Stimulation Drives Cellular Remodeling of the Mucociliary Epithelium.
(A) Schematic detailing human AEC ALI mucociliary differentiation followed by acute stimulation with IL-13; n = 2 human tracheal epithelial cell (HTEC) donors (T71, T72).
(B) t-SNE plot of 1,894 cells depicting nine unsupervised scRNA-seq clusters.
(C) t-SNE plot in (B), with cells colored by characteristic expression of ciliated, secretory, or basal cell gene signatures. See also Figures S1C–S1E.
(D) t-SNE plot in (B), with cells colored by treatment.
(E) Pie charts of differences in cell state proportions within major groups (ciliated, secretory, and basal-secretory) between control and IL-13-stimulated epithelia.
(F) Bar-plot depiction of data in (E).