Figure 3.
Fitting the models with real data. The number of infected individuals predicted by the “SEIHRDV” and the “SMEIHRDV” models for Japan (from 22th January to 23th June 2020), Italy (from 31th January to 23th June 2020), Belgium (from 4th February to 23th June 2020), Germany (from 27th January to 23th June 2020), Nigeria (from 28th February to 23th June 2020) and Egypt (from 14th February to 23th June 2020). The blue dots denote the reported infected cases and the black (or Less width) and blue lines present the results of the “SEIHRDV” and the “SMEIHRDV” models, respectively. The deSolve package version 1.2827 in R software version 4.0.328 was used to generate the figure (