Significant brain wide co-expression of ANK2 and TSC2 was found in the mouse brain (see text). 3) Mean across-section (sagittal, coronal and axial planes) co-expression of ANK2 and TSC2. Colorbar indicates strong coexpression in yellow. (b) Mean coexpression in 209 brain regions was calculated and ranked revealing the top 20 brain regions where ANK2 and TSC2 were co-expressed. Coronal sections revealing layer specific Ank2 expression in the cortex (c), left panel), mean expression for each cortical layer (across the whole brain) was calculated (c), right panel) revealing strongest expression in layers 2/3, 5 and 6a. Coronal sections revealing layer specific TSC2 expression in the cortex (d), left panel), mean expression for each cortical layer (across the whole brain) was calculated (d), right panel) revealing strongest expression in layers 2/3, 5 and 6a.