Late PDAC is characterized by Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) and Cancer Stem cell (CSC) properties. (a-b) The t-SNE plots showing ductal cell subpopulations in subcluster analysis, according to clustering distribution in the a, sample source in the b. (c) Heatmap presenting the marker genes expression levels among ductal cell subpopulation. (d) Volcano plot showing the differential expression genes (DEGs) of ductal cells between PDAC I and II, red and blue dots represented the genes upregulated and downregulated respectively (PDAC II vs PDAC I). The names of top 10 up/downregulated genes were marked. (e) Venn diagram indicating the intersection between upregulated genes (PDAC II vs I) and those (PDAC III vs I). (f-g) Gene ontology analysis showing molecular function terms for genes upregulated in PDAC II and III in the f, in PDAC I in the g. (h) Violin plot demonstrating late PDAC had significantly higher expression levels of mesenchymal and cancer stem cell markers, and EPCAM (ductal cell marker) confirming their ductal cell identity.