New cancer-associated fibroblast subset: csCAFs (complement-secreting CAFs) were detected. (a-b) The t-SNE plot showing CAF subpopulations in subcluster analysis, according to clustering distribution in the a, sample source in the b. (c) Heatmap presenting the marker genes expression levels among CAF subpopulations. (d) Violin plot demonstrating the identity of each CAF subcluster, pan-CAF common markers (top left), cCAFs markers (top right), csCAFs markers (bottom left), PSCs markers (bottom right). (e) The proportion of CAF subpopulations changing during PDAC progression. (f) Violin plot showing the ACTA2 (αSMA) expression levels of PSC in PDAC I, II, III respectively. (g) Pseudotime analysis exploring the development trajectories of CAFs, each dot corresponds to a single cell, the CAFs subtype shown according to specific markers expression level.