Figure 2.
Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) for stretchable screen-printed electronics. (A) SEM images of printed AgNPs (reproduced with permission from J. Mater. Sci. Mater. 2017, 28 (22), 16939–16947.16 Copyright 2020, Springer). (B) Optical micrograph images of pattern fracturing after applied strain (reproduced with permission from J. Manuf. Process. 2014, 120, 216–220.9 Copyright 2014, Elsevier). (C) AgNPs after sintering at different temperature for 30 min: (a) without sintering, (b) 220 °C, (c) 240 °C, (d) 260 °C, (e) 280 °C, and (f) 300 °C (reproduced with permission from J. Mater. Sci. Mater. 2017, 28 (22), 16939–16947.16 Copyright 2020, Springer). (D) SEM image of in situ formed AgNPs and photos of their application for a stretchable screen-printed ECG array (reprinted with permission from ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2019, 11, 8567–8575.18 Copyright 2019, ACS. photograph courtesy of Wei Guo, copyright 2019).