Figure 2.
Distinct populations of airspace macrophages exist during health. (A) Cells identified as macrophages (Figure 1 clusters 0–2, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 11) were reclustered. Color specifies assignment of cells to one of 10 clusters. (B) Relative proportion of cells within each cluster by individual subject. (C) Dot plot comparing expression of marker genes across cell clusters, where the x-axis denotes marker genes and the y-axis refers to clusters in A. Colored bars across the top of the figure denote the subcluster from which the marker genes were identified. Dot size is proportional to the percentage of cells expressing the gene in each cluster. Color intensity is proportional to averaged scaled log-normalized expression within a cluster. (D and E) Feature plots demonstrating scaled log-normalized expression of selected genes differentially expressed in clusters m5 (D) and m6 (E). (F and G) Functional enrichment analysis of cluster markers. Representative pathways are shown for m5 (F) and m6 (G). m0–9 = macrophage clusters 0–9; UMAP = uniform manifold approximation and projection.