Grain length, width, and area at grain position 2 (G2) in wild‐type and transformed wheat lines. Grain dimensions were evaluated in control and four TaExpA6 transgenic lines (lines 1–4) in field experiments at low plant density of 44 m−2 and regular agronomical plant density of 300 m−2. (a) Grain length, (b) grain width and (c) grain area. The control line corresponds to spring wheat cv Fielder that has undergone the same tissue culture process as the transformed lines. Asterisks indicate significant differences evaluated by pairwise comparisons between the control and each transgenic line (Fisher’s least significant difference test post hoc): *, P < 0.10; **, P < 0.05; ***, P < 0.01; ****, P < 0.001; ns, not significant. All data are shown as mean and SE.