Snapshots of illustrative respondents for different pathways
Ending in met need |
Determined Users (40+ years, 10 children, Adja, traditional religion, agriculturalist, secondary education) In the past, Daniel and his two wives hesitated to use FP due to concerns about side effects and gender dynamics. By the time the study had begun, however, all three had overcome these fears and were longtime users of modern contraception. Daniel's social network—especially his in‐laws—was encouraging of FP use, and participation in Tékponon Jikuagou further strengthened his FP knowledge and capacity. During the second round of interviews, Daniel described this evolution toward more positive FP attitudes and the reasons for his FP use: “Even before [Tékponon Jikuagou] came, my first wife had gone for FP. I did not like it at all, and we argued about it. But now, I myself have understood and [FP] allows us to avoid repeated illness of the children, and we save a lot of money.” (R2) By the end of the study, both wives were continuing to use modern contraception. |
Quick Converters (30–39 years, fewer than six children, Adja, Christian, agriculturalist, primary education) Sabine had a six‐month‐old and used the rhythm method. Though she was very interested in using a modern method, distance and limited FP options at her local health center were barriers to use. She became a Tékponon Jikuagou catalyzer (group discussion leader), which equipped her with basic knowledge of the FP options available at her health center. After becoming involved, she spoke to her husband, and they happily began using an implant: “My husband and I regularly talk about the children we want and how to space those births. Often during [conversation], we say that 6 children are enough for me, the wife, and that we should think about their future… I really appreciated the proposal of my husband, and some days later I went to use the implant.” (R2) |
Not achieving met need |
Side Effect Avoiders (30–39 years, four children, Fon, Christian, agriculturalist, no education) Lisette and her husband decided that they only wanted four children. However, they had only boys and wanted a girl, so she gave birth to their fifth child, a boy, just before her last interview. In the past, they had used withdrawal to space their pregnancies. They now searched for a different method to use long‐term. Despite some exposure to the intervention through a community group, Lisette lacked precise information on modern methods. At the same time, she witnessed close friends suffer method side effects. Consequently, she consistently expressed significant fear of side effects, and at the end of the study, Lisette and her husband only considered using a traditional method: “I like the implant, but as people say that it has side effects and that [it] can also get lost in the body, that discourages me. [My husband] asked me if he was only going to continue with withdrawal.” (R3) |
No consistent FP end point |
Male‐Priority Decision Makers (25–29 years, three children, Fon, Christian, agriculturalist, no education) Chantal and her husband began discussing FP more openly once she began participating in cohort interviews. Still, she believed that he must take the lead, and she could never use a FP method in secret. Chantal started the study with three children and wanted only four. Her husband initially agreed because he could marry another wife and have children with her, but he then changed his mind and said that she could use FP only after she had six children. Although they agreed to use a modern FP method, he chose to continue using withdrawal, and she had an unintended pregnancy. At the end of the study, she was still waiting for him to select and use a modern method: “There is no change [in my FP use] because my husband has not made up his mind since you arrived to go for FP. Without his input, I can't do it.” (R3) |
Gender–Egalitarian Decision Makers (30–39 years, 10 children, Adja, traditional religion, agriculturalist, secondary education) Although Marcel's history of FP use is unclear, his collaboration with his wife on FP issues and birth spacing is apparent from the beginning of the study. He and his wife learned about FP together, sharing information and perspectives. His involvement as a Tékponon Jikuagou catalyzer helped the couple to consider a range of methods: “Today, this discussion between my wife and I [on FP] is more frequent because of the new knowledge we have of these methods thanks to the arrival of Tékponon Jikuagou and also because of the cost and difficulties of the current life.” (R2) Despite negative community attitudes toward FP and FP users, they made the decision together to use an implant and were very satisfied with it. |