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. 2021 Jan 13;23(4):916–928. doi: 10.1111/dom.14294


Baseline characteristics of people with T2D and eGFR < 90 mL/min/1.73 m2 (aged ≥30 years) for burden of illness analyses

Outcome CVD/CKD related death Doubling of serum creatinine Dialysis Kidney transplantation
Case Control Case Control Case Control Case Control
Number, n 32 407 98 680 22 825 73 017 3499 11 004 651 2129
Age, years
Age, mean ± SD 78.63 ± 9.28 77.29 ± 8.92 71.35 ± 10.82 71.15 ± 10.32 68.94 ± 10.48 69.27 ± 10.02 66.12 ± 10.46 66.74 ± 9.93
Age, median (IQR) 80 (73‐86) 78 (72‐84) 72 (64‐80) 72 (64‐79) 70 (62‐77) 70 (63‐77) 66 (60‐74) 67 (60‐74)
Age group, n (%)
30‐44 37 (0.1%) 83 (0.1%) 234 (1.0%) 549 (0.8%) 57 (1.6%) 141 (1.3%) 20 (3.1%) 42 (2.0%)
45‐64 2648 (8.2%) 8927 (9.0%) 5729 (25.1%) 18 186 (24.9%) 1072 (30.6%) 3203 (29.1%) 265 (40.7%) 813 (38.2%)
65‐84 20 146 (62.2%) 67 950 (68.9%) 14 347 (62.9%) 47 382 (64.9%) 2180 (62.3%) 7117 (64.7%) 347 (53.3%) 1221 (57.4%)
84+ 9576 (29.5%) 21 720 (22.0%) 2515 (11.0%) 6900 (9.4%) 190 (5.4%) 543 (4.9%) 19 (2.9%) 53 (2.5%)
Female, n (%) 14 723 (45.4%) 45 087 (45.7%) 11 512 (50.4%) 36 960 (50.6%) 1253 (35.8%) 3929 (35.7%) 227 (34.9%) 769 (36.1%)
Income quintiles, n (%)
1 ‐ lowest 8226 (25.4%) 25 209 (25.5%) 5831 (25.5%) 18 711 (25.6%) 973 (27.8%) 3040 (27.6%) 163 (25.0%) 536 (25.2%)
2 7413 (22.9%) 22 692 (23.0%) 5224 (22.9%) 16 877 (23.1%) 821 (23.5%) 2612 (23.7%) 146 (22.4%) 495 (23.3%)
3 6420 (19.8%) 19 641 (19.9%) 4560 (20.0%) 14 485 (19.8%) 688 (19.7%) 2146 (19.5%) 127 (19.5%) 417 (19.6%)
4 5552 (17.1%) 16 823 (17.0%) 3922 (17.2%) 12 533 (17.2%) 531 (15.2%) 1695 (15.4%) 127 (19.5%) 400 (18.8%)
5 ‐ highest 4796 (14.8%) 14 315 (14.5%) 3288 (14.4%) 10 411 (14.3%) 486 (13.9%) 1511 (13.7%) 88 (13.5%) 281 (13.2%)
ICES co‐morbidity score, n (%)
Missing 14 744 (45.5%) 51 270 (52.0%) 7557 (33.1%) 28 984 (39.7%) 1060 (30.3%) 4073 (37.0%) 138 (21.2%) 522 (24.5%)
0 3805 (11.7%) 11 472 (11.6%) 2852 (12.5%) 9632 (13.2%) 336 (9.6%) 1113 (10.1%) 84 (12.9%) 304 (14.3%)
1‐2 7688 (23.7%) 23 894 (24.2%) 7153 (31.3%) 23 784 (32.6%) 1035 (29.6%) 3499 (31.8%) 233 (35.8%) 828 (38.9%)
3‐4 4909 (15.1%) 10 240 (10.4%) 4317 (18.9%) 9276 (12.7%) 827 (23.6%) 1934 (17.6%) 157 (24.1%) 403 (18.9%)
5+ 1261 (3.9%) 1804 (1.8%) 946 (4.1%) 1341 (1.8%) 241 (6.9%) 385 (3.5%) 39 (6.0%) 72 (3.4%)
ODD entry year, n (%)
Prevalent in 1994 3066 (9.5%) 8311 (8.4%) 1700 (7.4%) 4878 (6.7%) 379 (10.8%) 1109 (10.1%) 45 (6.9%) 132 (6.2%)
1994‐1999 5485 (16.9%) 15 270 (15.5%) 3555 (15.6%) 10 319 (14.1%) 668 (19.1%) 1857 (16.9%) 81 (12.4%) 233 (10.9%)
2000‐2005 10 581 (32.7%) 32 877 (33.3%) 7246 (31.7%) 23 702 (32.5%) 1096 (31.3%) 3557 (32.3%) 198 (30.4%) 673 (31.6%)
2006‐2011 10 995 (33.9%) 35 113 (35.6%) 7685 (33.7%) 25 796 (35.3%) 1015 (29.0%) 3401 (30.9%) 240 (36.9%) 814 (38.2%)
2012‐2015 2280 (7.0%) 7109 (7.2%) 2639 (11.6%) 8322 (11.4%) 341 (9.7%) 1080 (9.8%) 87 (13.4%) 277 (13.0%)
HbA1c, n (%) 24 583 (75.9%) 78 399 (79.4%) 18 842 (82.5%) 59 381 (81.3%) 2824 (80.7%) 9098 (82.7%) 488 (75.0%) 1752 (82.3%)
HbA1c (%), mean ± SD 6.88 ± 1.78 6.84 ± 1.59 7.03 ± 2.14 6.91 ± 1.46 6.77 ± 1.47 7.02 ± 1.47 6.83 ± 3.12 7.07 ± 2.69
HbA1c (%), median (IQR) 6.6 (6.1‐7.3) 6.6 (6.1‐7.2) 6.7 (6.1‐7.5) 6.6 (6.2‐7.3) 6.5 (5.9‐7.2) 6.7 (6.2‐7.5) 6.4 (5.9‐7.2) 6.6 (6.1‐7.4)
HbA1c category, n (%)
Missing 7824 (24.1%) 20 281 (20.6%) 3983 (17.5%) 13 636 (18.7%) 675 (19.3%) 1906 (17.3%) 163 (25.0%) 377 (17.7%)
≤ 6.5 12 032 (37.1%) 37 766 (38.3%) 8564 (37.5%) 27 092 (37.1%) 1530 (43.7%) 3829 (34.8%) 273 (41.9%) 795 (37.3%)
6.5 < HbA1c ≤ 7 4765 (14.7%) 17 059 (17.3%) 3507 (15.4%) 12 769 (17.5%) 455 (13.0%) 1905 (17.3%) 81 (12.4%) 341 (16.0%)
7 < HbA1c ≤ 8.5 5767 (17.8%) 18 632 (18.9%) 4753 (20.8%) 14 814 (20.3%) 592 (16.9%) 2447 (22.2%) 101 (15.5%) 446 (20.9%)
> 8.5 2019 (6.2%) 4942 (5.0%) 2018 (8.8%) 4706 (6.4%) 247 (7.1%) 917 (8.3%) 33 (5.1%) 170 (8.0%)
Serum creatinine
Serum creatinine, n (%) 28 756 (88.7%) 86 646 (87.8%) 21 863 (95.8%) 65 056 (89.1%) 3307 (94.5%) 9803 (89.1%) 599 (92.0%) 1919 (90.1%)
Serum creatinine (μmol/L), mean ± SD 123.69 ± 97.22 95.26 ± 43.65 134.71 ± 105.08 89.29 ± 34.18 417.87 ± 304.08 94.38 ± 35.14 362.86 ± 340.05 98.94 ± 67.59
Serum creatinine (μmol/L), median (IQR) 99 (80‐132) 87 (74‐105) 107 (83‐147) 83 (71‐99) 386 (144‐583) 87 (75‐103) 172 (95‐571) 87 (74‐103)
UACR, n (%) 13 606 (42.0%) 46 294 (46.9%) 11 269 (49.4%) 35 372 (48.4%) 2084 (59.6%) 5736 (52.1%) 237 (36.4%) 1071 (50.3%)
UACR (mg/mmol), mean ± SD 33.10 ± 94.54 9.90 ± 38.98 60.56 ± 145.54 8.62 ± 33.25 182.29 ± 235.80 11.39 ± 40.81 67.45 ± 152.97 13.68 ± 52.29
UACR (mg/mmol), median (IQR) 3.7 (1.1‐16.8) 1.9 (0.3‐4.5) 4.2 (1.1‐27.8) 1.5 (0.1‐3.6) 62 (4.1‐300.3) 1.9 (0.3‐4.7) 10.5 (2.8‐47) 1.8 (0.3‐4.4)

Abbreviations: CKD, chronic kidney disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ICES, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences; IQR, interquartile range; ODD, Ontario diabetes database; SD, standard deviation; T2D, type 2 diabetes; UACR, urinary albumin to creatinine ratio.

eGFR values were calculated using the Modification of diet in renal disease (MDRD) formula: (GFR [mL/min per 1.73 m2] = 186.3 × serum creatinine [mg/dL]−1.154 × age [years]−0.203 × 0.742 [if female]).