Examples for cases of maternal stroke.
(A) Right frontal intracerebral hemorrhage with surrounding edema and brain herniation in a post-partum woman with the HELLP syndrome. No underlying vascular lesion was identified, and the stroke was felt like due to hypertension and HELLP-related coagulopathy; (B) Arterial ischemic stroke due to paradoxical embolus related to patent foramen ovale, although no deep venous thrombosis was identified to left posterior cerebral artery in a post-partum woman; (C) Multifocal vasogenic edema due to the posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) in a woman with eclampsia. Note that not all lesions are posterior. A small area of infarction on diffusion-restricted imaging is noted, occasionally seen in association with PRES. (D) Cerebral angiogram demonstrating multifocal vasospasm due to reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome in a postpartum woman with pre-eclampsia. She developed ischemic strokes distal to the areas of vasospasm, as well as intracerebral hemorrhage.