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. 2021 Apr 7;71(707):e450–e457. doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2020.0959

Table 1.

Sociodemographic details of GP interviewees and their associated general practices

Details of GPs interviewed Practice deprivation score 1–10a
ID Sex Partner/salaried Age, years
1 M Partner 30–39 3
2 F Partner 40–49 9
3 F Salaried 30–39 9
4 M Partner ≥50 9
5 F Partner 40–49 10
6 F Partner ≥50 3
7 F Partner 40–49 10
8 M Partner 40–49 10
9 M Partner 40–49 10
10 F Salaried 40–49 4
11 M Salaried 30–39 4
12 M Partner ≥50 1
13 F Partner 40–49 1
14 M Partner 30–39 6
15 F Partner ≥50 6

Deprivation score for the practice patient population where 1 indicates the most deprived patient population and 10 the least deprived. Taken from the National General Practice Profiles website,12 which calculated scores based on the 2015 English Indices of Deprivation.13 F = female. M = male.