(A) Summary of experiment showing how the parental crosses were designed, and how eggs were allocated and incubated. Eggs from sex reversed females (ZZf) were initially incubated at 28°C for 10 days, then were switched to 36°C. Eggs were sampled at the same three developmental stages (6, 12, and 15) based on [19,20]. At stage 6 the gonad is bipotential, at stage 12 the gonad is in the early stages of differentiation, and it completely differentiated by stage 15. Eggs from concordant females (ZWf) were incubated at 28°C and sampled at the same three developmental stages as the ZZf eggs. (B) PCA plots showing the first and second principal components of read count per gene between ZZf (red) and ZWf (blue) at each stage of development.