CV38-142 can be combined with antibodies to the receptor binding site or CR3022 cryptic site
(A) Competitive binding of CV38-142 to SARS-CoV-2 RBD or spike. Inset in the right panel shows a zoomed-in view for Fabs/ACE2 binding on spike. A sandwich binding assay was used for the competition assay. CV38-142 IgG was first pre-loaded on the biosensor, then SARS-CoV-2 RBD or spike was loaded at the indicated time point. The biosensors with captured antibody-antigen complex were tested against binding to a second antibody Fab or human ACE2. Loading events for RBD/spike and the second antibody Fab/ACE2 are indicated by arrows along the timeline (x axis), while the binding response (nm, y axis) was recorded in real time as colored lines corresponding to each antibody Fab or ACE2.
(B) Cross-neutralization dose-response matrix of an antibody cocktail consisting of CV38-142 and COVA1-16. The pseudovirus neutralization assay was performed by addition of mixtures of varying ratios of CV38-142 and COVA1-16. The percentage neutralization for each experiment with SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV is plotted on heatmap matrices with their corresponding color bar shown on the right.
See also Figure S1.