Pseudoaneurysm stenting: A 21-year-old male presented after a motor vehicle collision with multiple facial fractures and Horner's syndrome. Digital subtraction angiographic (DSA) images (
a, c
—anteroposterior projection;
b, d
—lateral projection) demonstrate a Biffl grade 3 injury with dissection of the cervical right ICA and a large pseudoaneurysm (black arrows) in the distal cervical ICA, with resultant flow limitation. He underwent endovascular treatment with placement of two EV3 Protégé Rx (ev3, Inc., Plymouth, MN) self-expanding stents across the pseudoaneurysm. Subsequent follow-up DSA (
c, d
) 15 months later demonstrates healing of the right ICA pseudoaneurysm with mild in-stent stenosis (gray arrowheads).