Figure 3. Development of healthy and fibrotic iPSC-derived cardiac spheroids encapsulated in GelMA hydrogels resembling mechanical properties of native cardiac tissues.
a) A schematic and photograph of engineered cardiac tissue models. b) Histogram of the spheroid dimeters after collecting them from the microwells on day 5 (N=80). c) Representative immunofluorescence images of live/dead staining for iPSC-derived cardiac tissues after 5 days in culture with or without a supplement of TGFβ1 (8 ng/mL). d) Proliferation index for cardiac tissues cultured for 5 days in GelMA hydrogels (N=3). Outcomes of qRT-PCR to measure the gene expression of cardiac specific transcripts, e) Cx43 and f) Troponin T, and cardiac fibrosis markers, g) Col1A1 and h) α-SMA, with the dose-dependent induction of TGFβ1 in the iPSC-derived cardiac tissues cultured in GelMA hydrogels (N= 3). i) Representative immunofluorescence images of DAPI/Troponin T, /Col1A1, /α-SMA, and /Vimentin staining of cardiac tissues on day 5 after culturing in GelMA hydrogels with or without a supplement of TGFβ1 (8 ng/mL). (One-way ANOVA with Tukey significant difference post-hoc test; *p<0.05, **p<0.005, and ***p<0.0005). Error bars represent standard deviation.