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. 2021 Mar 4;296:100509. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100509

Table 1.

An assessment of currently used and emerging recombination system

Recombination systems Requirements Merits Limitations Improved production Refs
Chemical-inducible system
 sCreER Tamoxifen induction High efficiency; temporal control; reduced toxicity of tamoxifen The efficiency of the initial CreER-loxP recombination-mediated switch of sCreER into Cre depends on the recombination efficiency of the loci where the sCreER knock-in. Efficient and temporally controlled gene deletion for functional study. (2)
 iSuRe-Cre Cross w/other Cre/CreER lines; w/or w/o tamoxifen induction High efficiency; temporal control; nontoxicity; no leakiness; reliably reports cells with gene deletion; compatible with the numerous existent loxP and Cre/CreERT2 alleles Does not prevent the occurrence of gene-deletion false-negatives Increasing the efficiency and reliability of Cre-dependent reporter and gene function analysis. (3)
 Di-Cre Rapamycin induction Tight temporal control; rapid induction; low background Cre activity Toxic during development; only can be used in adult animals Tight temporal control of recombinase activity for conditional gene knock-out. (47, 48)
 Roxed-Cre Dual recombinases, Split-Cre and Dre High-resolution recombination; ideal for sequential lineage tracing A rox site remained in the coding sequence of Cre may decrease Cre activity; cannot be controlled temporally The binary SSR system is ideal for sequential lineage tracing studies aimed at unraveling the relationships between cellular precursors and mature cell types. (24)
 CrexER Dual recombinases, Cre and Dre Organ- or tissue-specific gene manipulation Cannot be controlled temporally The intersectional genetic system achieves both gene knockout and overexpression in vascular endothelial cells in an organ- or tissue-specific manner. (25)
 Tet-On system Genetically modified lines; Dox induction Less toxic Complexity of mice crossing; time-consuming Temporal, spatial, and cell type-specific control of gene expression. (49, 50, 51)
Light-inducible system
 System based on caged biomolecules
 Photocaged 4-OHT or analogs UV light illumination Precise spatiotemporal control of gene expression Cytotoxicity (DNA damage) by UV light; poor tissue penetration; limited recombination efficiency Precise temporal- and location-specific control of CreER-mediated recombination in a light-dependent manner. (61, 62, 63)
 Caged doxycycline/cyanodoxycycline UV light or two-photon illumination Precise spatial and temporal control of gene expression; the amount of UV light needed for induction is innocuous Diffuse background fluorescence; low membrane permeability High-resolution conditional transgene expression ranging from single cells to entire organisms. (66)
 Near-IR uncaging strategy based on cyanine photochemistry Near-IR light illumination Cytocompatible; tissue penetration Need to be validated in vivo Spatial and temporal control of drug delivery. (67)
 Light-cleavable dRap UV light illumination Simple to set up; temporal control of gene expression Could not be readily placed under photochemical control Protein dimerization induced by optically activated rapamycin dimer can be applied to control recombinase function. (68)
 Photocaged Cre recombinase Non-photodamaging UVA light illumination Spatiotemporal control; background-free Need to be validated in vivo Tight spatiotemporal control of the activity of Cre recombinase and DNA recombination. (70, 71)
 Genetically encoded system
 CRY2-CIB1 system PA-Cre 1.0 Blue light illumination Fast temporal; subcellular spatial resolution; reversible Inefficient packaging; poor penetrative capacity Fast temporal and spatial resolution without the need for exogenous cofactors. (74)
PA-Cre 2.0 Blue light illumination High induced activity; low background; a single and brief light pulse; reduced light-mediated toxicity; reversible Low recombination efficiency; need tuning nuclear import/export signals to reduce sensitivity to expression level differences to attain low background Five-fold improved activity allowing precise spatial and temporal control of Cre recombinase ranging from single cells to whole organisms. (92, 93)
Li-rtTA Dual induction of blue light and Dox Reversible; spatiotemporal specific Complexity of mice crossing; time-consuming Genetical labeling and lineage tracing of multiple cell types in regional skin in a spatiotemporally specific manner. (95)
 VVD system LightOn Blue light illumination Simple and robust; spatiotemporal control; reversible Poor penetrative capacity A simple and robust system to quantitatively and spatiotemporally control gene expression and manipulate many biological processes in living cells and organisms. (96)
Magnet Blue light illumination Low dimerization activity in the dark state; high spatiotemporal precision; reversible Poor penetrative capacity Spatially and temporally precise control over several signaling proteins in living mammalian cells with substantially enhanced dimerization efficiencies and accelerated switch-off kinetics. (78)
PA-Cre 3.0 Blue light illumination Reduced dark leak activity; improved efficiency; reversible Poor penetrative capacity Significantly addressed the issues of low recombination efficiency and dark leakiness. (94)
 PhyB-PIF system Red/far-red light illumination Rapid stimulation and reversibility Need for exogenous cofactor Precisely and reversibly control gene expression and cell signaling. (73, 100)
 BphP1-PpsR2 system Near-IR light activation Deep tissue penetration; low phototoxicity; tetracycline-independent Minor interference with cellular metabolism Targeting subcellular protein, inducing intracellular enzymatic activity, and activating gene expression with deep tissue penetration and low phototoxicity. (101)
 FISC system Far-red light excitation High recombination efficiency; spatiotemporal precision; low background and photocytotoxicity; deep penetration capacity Complexity; may require developing a vector with expanded packing capacity and small construct size to ensure efficient delivery in vivo Precise control of genome engineering in target single cells or whole organisms in a spatiotemporal fashion with deep penetration, reduced toxicity, and invasiveness. (102)

4-OHT, 4-hydroxytamoxifen; BphP1, bacterial phytochrome; CIB1, a basic helix-loop-helix protein; CrexER, a switchable CreER system with the Cre-rox-ER-rox construct; CRY2, cryptochrome 2; Di-Cre, dimerizable Cre; Dox, doxycycline; dRap, light-cleavable rapamycin dimer; FISC system, far-red light-induced split Cre-loxP system; iSuRe-Cre, a Cre/CreERT2-inducible dual Reporter-Cre-expressing mouse allele; Li-rtTA, light activated rtTA; LightOn, the light-on system; Near-IR, near-infrared; PA-Cre, photoactivatable Cre recombinase; PhyB, photoreceptor phytochrome B; PIF, photochrome-interacting factor; PpsR2, the natural partner of BphP1; Roxed-Cre, a sequential binary SSR system with the Cre-N-rox-stop-rox-Cre-C strategy; sCreER, self-cleaved inducible CreER with a Cre-loxP-ER-loxP construst; Tet-On system, tetracycline-inducible gene expression system; VVD, photoreceptor Vivid.