Figure 4.
Immunoblotting analysis. (A) 2-DE gel images of six protein spots of interest denoted by an arrow in each panel. Each panel shows an expanded 2-D gel view and ranked from the left to the right: the left (CL) and the right hippocampus (CR) of the control group; the left (PTZL) and the right hippocampus (PTZR) of the PTZ group; the left (ElecL) and the right hippocampus (ElecR) of the electrical kindling group; and the left (PiL) and the right hippocampus (PiR) of the pilocarpine group. (B) Western blot analysis validates the differential expression of ADPRC1, Calreticulin, SNAP 25, UCH-L1, LPAR3 and transgelin 3 in the control and the epileptic groups. Beta-actin was used for normalization. (C) The intensity of bands was quantified by ImagJ software. The data were expressed as mean ± S.E.M. The letters above the columns (a-h) indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) using the Duncan’s multiple range test so, data that showed with the same letter don’t have significant differences. (D) Representative photographs of immune-histochemical analysis of the expression levels of the ADPRC1, the calreticulin, the SNAP 25 and the UCH-L1 in control and epileptic groups.