Phase entrainment of diurnal lipidomes and metabolomes in VAT and liver by inverted feeding
(A) Heatmap showing 24 h profiles of neutral lipids by targeted lipidomics in VAT. Cho, cholesterol. See also Figures S6A and S6B.
(B) Cholesterol rhythm is reversed by inverted feeding in VAT. Data were represented as mean ± sem (n = 4 except n = 3 in DRF ZT4 group).
(C) Diurnal expression of genes in cholesterol biosynthesis process is reversed by inverted feeding in VAT. See also Figure S6C.
(D) Twenty-four-hour profiles of representative diurnal metabolites in liver under tRF regimens. See also Figure S6D.
(E) Phase-shift diagram of dual-oscillating metabolites in liver.
(F) Heatmap showing 24 h of hepatic metabolites with 12-h rhythms. These metabolites oscillated under at least one tRF regimen.
(G) Twenty-four-hour profiles of representative hepatic metabolites with 12-h rhythms under tRF regimens. Tau, the period length. Data were represented as mean ± sem (n = 4–5 for metabolites, n = 4 for genes). Multiple t tests with Bonferroni correction; p ≥ 0.05 is not shown, ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001.