Figure 3.
The PorX/PorY system is not autoregulated. qRT-PCR analysis of a time-dependent transcription of the porX and porY genes in 33277 wild-type strain (A) and W83 wild-type strain (B). The mRNA levels of the porX and porY genes were determined when bacterial cells were grown in BHI at the indicated time, and the mRNA amount of rpoB was set to 1 for calculation. C, the mRNA level of the porX gene was determined in 33277 wild-type strain and ΔporY mutant (YS19187) grown in BHI for 48 h. The mRNA amount from wild-type cells was set to 1 for calculation. D, the mRNA level of the porY gene was determined in 33277 wild-type strain and ΔporX mutant (YS19181) grown in BHI for 48 h. The mRNA amount from wild-type cells was set to 1 for calculation. Data correspond to three independent assays conducted in duplicate, and all values were mean ± standard deviation and normalized to the wild-type amount (fold change). The results shown are representative of three independent experiments. p > 0.05, versus wild-type, t-test.