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. 2013 Aug;34(8):1562–1567. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A3429

Table 1:

Demographic data of the 10 patients with EBV-positive PCNSLs

Patient No. Age (yr)/Sex Clinical Symptom Imaging Diagnosis Surgery Pathologic Diagnosis Treatment Response Follow-Up Periods (mo) Follow-Up Results
1 34/M Dizziness Metastasis Resection Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma PD 9 Death
2 55/M Left weakness Lymphoma Biopsy Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma CR 15 Alive
3 62/M Left weakness Glioblastoma Resection Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma CR 30 Alive
4 70/M Left weakness Glioblastoma Resection Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma CR 13 Alive
5 83/M Dysarthria Glioblastoma Resection Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Loss 17 Lost to F/U
6 62/M Dysarthria Glioblastoma Resection Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma PR 3 Alive
7 60/M Dizziness Lymphoma Biopsy Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma PR 50 Alive
8 76/F Weakness in both hands Lymphoma Biopsy Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma PR 27 Death
9 29/F Left hemiparesis Fungal infection Biopsy Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma PR 33 Alive
10 59/F Right weakness Glioblastoma Resection Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma PR 3 Alive

Note:—CR indicates complete remission; PR, partial treatment response; PD, progression of disease; F/U, follow-up.