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. 2021 Apr 8;18:E32. doi: 10.5888/pcd18.200513

Table 1. Fundamental Evaluation Protocol for RE-AIM Dimensions and Measures.

Dimension Outcome Measures APDER Feature and Notes
Number, proportion, and representativeness of participants Number, proportion, and representativeness of LIFT participants assessed via survey • Individual-level sociodemographic data are required for reporting Cooperative Extension efforts. These survey items were initiated in 2015, continuing since then in each state
• State administrators determine representative data; LIFT participant sociodemographic information can be compared to the full state census data or compared to the counties from which the participants were recruited
Effect on primary outcomes, quality of life, and unintended consequences Objectively measured functional fitness assessment and survey for self-report items of interest (social connection, physical activity behaviors) • Educators and volunteers found it cumbersome to administer the Rikli and Jones functional fitness assessment (31) plus other assessments. For virtual adaptations, educators can allow participants to self-report functional fitness outcomes
• Self-reported survey items changed over time to align with research questions, survey duration, or outcomes of interest; therefore, summary and comparisons across years is not possible, nor perceived as relevant by PALT
Number, proportion, and representativeness of settings and staff who deliver the intervention • Number, proportion, and representativeness were measured for Cooperative Extension health educators and community partners who implement LIFT
• What steps were taken in delivering LIFT
LIFT training included pretraining and posttraining surveys to assess instructor sociodemographic characteristics with intent to deliver LIFT, and program content (ie, teach-back).
Degree that intervention was delivered as intended Process evaluation checklists for every LIFT session • Process evaluation was available in paper and pencil or online
• Low instructor compliance limited interpretation
• State administrators surveyed to assess state adherence to LIFT principles and delivery
Maintenance (system level)
Extent to which delivery and implementation are sustained over time Number of years LIFT is delivered in the county or state Monitored via LIFT program records by the LIFT program manager. In 2021, a protocol to follow up with all trained staff will be launched.

Abbreviations: APDER, assess, plan, do, evaluate, report; LIFT, Lifelong Improvements through Fitness Together; PALT, Physical Activity Leadership Team; RE-AIM, reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance.