Table 1. Fundamental Evaluation Protocol for RE-AIM Dimensions and Measures.
Dimension | Outcome Measures | APDER Feature and Notes |
Reach | ||
Number, proportion, and representativeness of participants | Number, proportion, and representativeness of LIFT participants assessed via survey | • Individual-level sociodemographic data are required for reporting Cooperative Extension efforts. These survey items were initiated in 2015, continuing since then in each state • State administrators determine representative data; LIFT participant sociodemographic information can be compared to the full state census data or compared to the counties from which the participants were recruited |
Effectiveness | ||
Effect on primary outcomes, quality of life, and unintended consequences | Objectively measured functional fitness assessment and survey for self-report items of interest (social connection, physical activity behaviors) | • Educators and volunteers found it cumbersome to administer the Rikli and Jones functional fitness assessment (31) plus other assessments. For virtual adaptations, educators can allow participants to self-report functional fitness outcomes • Self-reported survey items changed over time to align with research questions, survey duration, or outcomes of interest; therefore, summary and comparisons across years is not possible, nor perceived as relevant by PALT |
Adoption | ||
Number, proportion, and representativeness of settings and staff who deliver the intervention | • Number, proportion, and representativeness were measured for Cooperative Extension health educators and community partners who implement LIFT • What steps were taken in delivering LIFT |
LIFT training included pretraining and posttraining surveys to assess instructor sociodemographic characteristics with intent to deliver LIFT, and program content (ie, teach-back). |
Implementation | ||
Degree that intervention was delivered as intended | Process evaluation checklists for every LIFT session | • Process evaluation was available in paper and pencil or online • Low instructor compliance limited interpretation • State administrators surveyed to assess state adherence to LIFT principles and delivery |
Maintenance (system level) | ||
Extent to which delivery and implementation are sustained over time | Number of years LIFT is delivered in the county or state | Monitored via LIFT program records by the LIFT program manager. In 2021, a protocol to follow up with all trained staff will be launched. |
Abbreviations: APDER, assess, plan, do, evaluate, report; LIFT, Lifelong Improvements through Fitness Together; PALT, Physical Activity Leadership Team; RE-AIM, reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance.