A–C) Horizontal MEC slice showing expression of oChIEF-citrine in LVb neurons (green) and biocytin-filled recorded layer II/III neurons (magenta,
A). Voltage responses to injected current steps (
B) and to light stimulation (light blue line,
C) are shown for all three neurons (i, pyramidal neuron in LIII; ii, iii, stellate cells in LII). Average traces (blue) are superimposed on the individual traces (gray). (
D–F) Images of recorded MEC neurons (
D) and their voltage responses (
E, F; iv, v pyramidal cells in LVa; vi, pyramidal cell in LIII; vii, stellate cell in LII). (
G, H) Images of recorded MEC neurons (
G) in LVa (Viii–x) and LIII (xi–xiii), and their voltage responses (
H). This slice is from the animal shown in
Figure 4, but it is more ventral than the one shown in
Figure 4. Scale bars represent 500 μm for insets and 100 μm for higher-power images.