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. 2021 Mar 11;15(2):80–87. doi: 10.22074/IJFS.2020.134704

Table 2.

Characteristics of the five studies included in group B

Author Country, year Study design Main inclusion criteria Intervention Control Results

Perez-Medina et al. (6) Spain, 2005 RCT 204 infertile women with sonographic diagnosis of EP and candidates for IUI n=101Patients underwent hysteroscopic polypectomy n=103Patients underwent diagnostic hysteroscopy and polyp biopsy PR: 63.4% vs. 28.2% (P<0.001)PR (after four IUI cycles) 51.4% vs. 25.4% (P<0.001) (Pregnancies in the study group were obtained before the first IUI in 65% of cases)
Casini et al. (7) Italy, 2006 RCT 181 infertile women with uterine fibroids n=92Patients underwent laparotomy or hysteroscopic myomectomy(30 SM; 23 IM; 17 IM-SS and 22 SM-IM) n=89Patients did not undergo surgical treatment:(22 SM; 22 IM; 11 SS; 14 IM-SS and 20 with IM-SM) PR (SM): 43.3% vs. 27.2%(P<0.05)PR (IM): 56.5% vs. 41%(P: NS)PR (SM-IM): 36.4% vs. 15%(P<0.05)PR (IM-SS): 35.5% vs. 21.4%(P: NS)
Mazzon et al. (8) Italy, 2010 Prospective study 6 young nulliparous patients with stage IA endometrial cancer All patients underwent hysteroscopic resection of the tumour followed by hormone therapy (megestrol acetate,160 mg/day, for 6 months) No PR: 66%(no atypia or malignancy after 12 months follow-up)
Chen et al. (9) China, 2017 Retrospective cross-sectional study 350 infertile women with mild, moderate, and severe IUAs All patients underwent hysteroscopic adhesiolysis(The reproductive outcomes of 332 cases, 93%, were followed for 27 ± 9 months) No PR: 48.2%(60.7% in mild IUAs, 53.4% in moderate, 25% in severe cases)MR: 9.4% LBR: 85.6% Uterine cavity was restored in 93.6% of patients)

EP; Endometrial polyp, SM; Submucosal fibroid, IM; Intramural fibroid, SS; Subserosal fibroid, SM-IM; Submucosal-intramural fibroid, IM-SS; Intramural-subserosal fibroid, IUA; Intrauterine adhesion, IUI; Intrauterine insemination, MR; Miscarriage rate, LBR; Live birth rate, CR; Conception rate, CS; Caesarean section, PAUB; Postmenstrual uterine bleeding, PR; Pregnancy rate, and RCT; Randomised controlled trial.