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. 2021 Mar 11;15(2):80–87. doi: 10.22074/IJFS.2020.134704

Table 3.

Characteristics of the five studiesincluded in group C

Author Country, year Study design Main inclusion criteria Intervention Control Results

Mollo et al. (10) Italy, 2008 Prospective controlled trial 176 infertile women n=44Patients withseptate uterus and underwent hysteroscopic metroplasty n=132Patients with unexplained infertility, managed expectantly PR: 38.6% vs. 20.4% LBR: 34.1% vs. 18.9%
Tonguc et al. (11) Turkey, 2010 Retrospective study 127 infertile women with uterine septum n=102Patients underwent hysteroscopic metroplasty n=25Patients did not undergo metroplasty PR: 43.1% vs. 20% (P=0.03)MR: 11.4% vs. 60% (P=0.02)LBR: 35.3% vs. 8% (P=0.008)
Pacheco et al. (12) Spain, 2019 Prospective cohort study 63 nulliparous infertile womenwith primary T-shaped uterus All women underwent hysteroscopic metroplasty (Only 60 patients tried to conceive after metroplasty) No PR:83.3% LBR:63.3%
Ban-Frangež et al. (13) Slovenia, 2008 Retrospective matched control study 380 women conceived following IVF/ICSI n=106Patients underwent hysteroscopic resection ofa small or large septum n=274 Patients did not undergo surgery because they did not have any uterine malformation MR (small septum): 30.6% vs. 20.4%(P: NS)MR (large septum): 28.1% vs. 19.3%(P: NS)
Bakas et al. (14) Greece, 2012 Prospective observational 68 infertile women with septate uterus (12 months follow-up) All patients underwent hysteroscopic metroplasty No CPR: 44%LBR: 36.8%MR: 16.6%

CPR; Clinical pregnancy rate, MR; Miscarriage rate, AR; Abortion rate, LBR; Live birth rate, PR; Pregnancy rate, IVF; In vitro fertilization, ICSI; Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and NS; Not significant.