Table 3.
Domain of assessment | Measures/tools | Number of psychological autopsy studies that have used the measure |
Assessment of mental disorders | For adults - SCID-I and SCID-II for DSM-IIIR[26,48] | 15 |
ICD-10[21] | 10 | |
For adolescents-K-SADS-EP[49] | 4 | |
Assessment of life events | IRLE[50] | 11 |
LEDS[51] | 2 | |
LESE[52] | 1 | |
LES[53] | 1 | |
SRRS[54] | 2 | |
List of threatening experiences[55] | 1 | |
Suicidal intent/hopelessness | Beck’s suicide intent scale[56] | 10 |
Beck’s hopelessness scale[57] | 6 | |
Depression | HDRS[58] | 9 |
GDS[59] | 2 | |
Psychological constructs of personality | Personality assessment schedule[60] | 6 |
NEO-FFI[61] | 4 | |
SCID-II for DSM IV[48] | 3 | |
Standardized assessment of personality[62] | 1 | |
Social support | DSSI[63] | 11 |
SPSI[64] | 3 | |
Social networks and social support scale[65] | 1 | |
Bille-brahe social support scale[66] | 1 | |
Impulsivity | Dickman impulsivity inventory[67] | 7 |
Barratt impulsiveness scale[68] | 4 | |
Impulsivity rating scale[69] | 1 | |
Coping response | CRI[70] | 3 |
Brief COPE-28[71] | 1 | |
Childhood adversity | CECA scale[72] | 1 |
Spiritual and religious beliefs | The royal free interview for religious and spiritual beliefs[73] | 1 |
Loneliness | University of California Los Angeles loneliness scale[74] | 1 |
Activities of daily living (ADL) | Instrumental activities of daily living scale and the physical self-maintenance scale[75] | 4 |
Physical health status | Cumulative illness rating scale[76] | 1 |
Family function | Family APGAR[77] | 1 |
Aggression | Overt aggression scale[78] | 1 |
Anxiety | State trait anxiety inventory[79] | 3 |
Work demands | COPSOQ II[80] | 1 |
Swedish demand-control-support questionnaire[81] | 1 |
ICD-10 – International Classification of Diseases-10; SCID – Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R; PSLE: Presumptive stressful life events scale; DSM – Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders; PA – Psychological autopsy; K-SADS-EP – Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children, Forms E and P; IRLE – Interview for Recent Life Events; LEDS – Life events and difficulties schedule; LESE – Life event scale for the elderly; LES – Life Experiences Scale; SRRS – Social Readjustment Rating Scale; HDRS – Hamilton depression rating scale; GDS – Geriatric depression scale; NEO-FFI – NEO five-factor inventory; DSSI – Duke social support index; SPSI – Social problem solving inventory; CRI – Coping response inventory; CECA – Childhood experience of care and abuse; APGAR – Adaptive partnership growth affection and resolve; COPSOQ – Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire- long version