Development of axenic A. aegypti larvae fed 1.2 g of LA agar with or without 1 mL of H medium. (A) Percentage of larvae that develop into adults when fed LA agar, H medium plus LA agar (H+LA), or H+EC agar (control). (B) Mean development time ± SD (days) to pupation of larvae fed H+LA or H+EC (control). (C) Box and whiskers plots showing mean wing length of adult females. (D) Box and whiskers plots showing mean wing length of adult females. (E) Number of eggs laid by adult females after consuming a blood meal ± 95% confidence interval. (F) Percentage of larvae that developed into adults when fed H medium without cholesterol (−Ch), all nucleosides and metabolites (−Nuc), amino acids (−AA), or vitamins (−Vit) plus LA agar. Larvae fed complete H+LA served as the control. Numbers below each treatment bar or mean and asterisks are defined as in Fig. 1 (P < 0.01).