Fig. 5.
Expanded features of axolotl interphase chromosomes. (A) TAD length comparison. Ratio of orthologous TADs between axolotl and human. TADs surrounding gene orthologs were identified genome-wide. On average, axolotl TADs are 7× longer than their human counterparts. The TAD that encompasses Axfgf8 (green bar and arrowhead) is 49× longer than its orthologous interval in human. (B) Contact probability plots for axolotl (blue) and chicken (orange). Genome-wide contact probability plots are presented versus genomic distance between loci normalized to the contact probability at 10 Kb. In the interphase data, the inflection point (dashed lines) in chicken is at 40 Kb, while in axolotl, it is at 300 Kb, suggesting that large loops accumulate in axolotl interphase chromosomes. (C) Axolotl intra-TAD contact probability as a function of distance in conserved TADs, classified into different size categories. Graphs show the same slope indicating same contact frequencies within TADs of different sizes. Upturn at end of each line reflects increased contact frequency found near TAD boundaries.