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. 2021 Jan 12;74(5):826–842. doi: 10.1177/1747021820982267

Table 4.

LMM results for the peak and average saccade velocity of the next saccade after playing the sound.

Fixed effects Peak saccade velocity Average saccade velocity
Estimate Std. Error t value BF10 Estimate Std. Error t value BF10
Intercept 219.92 5.495 40.02 117.103 1.785 65.604
Sound (novel vs standard) 4.382 2.319 1.89 0.462 0.646 1.005 0.643 0.041
Delay (120 vs 0 ms) 3.196 2.59 1.234 0.190 1.326 1.049 1.264 0.076
Sound x delay 4.488 3.301 1.36 0.272 1.869 1.43 1.307 0.114
Random effects Variance SD Corr. Variance SD Corr.
Intercept (item) 49.47 7.033 10.364 3.219
Intercept (subjects) 1733.38 41.634 165.983 12.883
Delay (subjects) 81.09 9.005 –0.02 5.177 2.275 –0.31
Residual 3932.9 62.713 740.827 27.218

LMM: linear mixed models; BF: Bayes factor; SD: standard deviation.

BF10: Bayes factor (values > 1 indicate evidence for the alternative hypothesis; values < 1 indicate evidence for the null hypothesis). Statistically significant t-values (⩾ 1.96) and BF10s meeting the 3/ 0.33 threshold (approx. corresponding to the 0.05 alpha level) are formatted in bold.