Figure 5: Skeletal Scintigraphy At Age 15 Years.
Foci of increased activity are apparent in the parietal region of the skull bilaterally. A focus of intense activity involves the supraorbital region (left greater than the right) and extends centrally either involving the ethmoid plate or adjacent sphenoid. Symmetric, moderately increased activity involves both proximal humeri, likely corresponding to the physeal plates given its symmetry. Deformity of the long bones of the lower extremities (not illustrated distally) involves most prominently both proximal femurs both with evidence of internal fixation hardware. The left lower extremity is shorter than the right, particularly the femoral component. Moderate levoscoliosis curves the lumbar spine. Intensely increased activity is focused in the anterior distal metaphyseal region of the right femur. Focal increased activity in the anterior right proximal tibial metaphysis is non-specific, perhaps representing a healing fracture.