Test | Name in geant-val interface [12] | Source | Subsection |
Photon attenuation | PhotonAttenuation | Amako et al 2005 [15] | III A |
Electron electronic stopping power | ElectDEDX | * | III B |
Electron backscattering | ElectBackScat | Dondero et al 2018 [17] | III C |
Electron forward scatter from foils at 13 and 20 MeV | ElecForwScat | Faddegon et al 2009 [18] | III D |
Bremsstrahlung from thick targets | Bremsstrahlung | Faddegon et al 2008 [19] | III E |
Fano Cavity | FanoCavity | ** | III F |
Low energy electron Dose Point Kernels | LowEElectDPK | ** | III G |
Microdosimetry | microyz |
** Kyriakou et al 2017 [20] |
Brachytherapy | Brachy-Ir | *** | III I |
Monoenergetic x-ray internal breast dosimetry | Mammo | Fedon et al 2018a[21] and 2018b[22] | III J |
Nucleus-Nucleus hadronic inelastic scattering cross sections | NucNucInelXS | NA | IV A |
62 MeV/u 12C fragmentation | LowEC12Frag | Mancini et al 2018 [23] | IV B |
Charge-changing cross section for 300 MeV/u carbon ions | C12FragCC | Toshito et al 2007 [24] | IV C |
67.5 MeV proton Bragg curves in water | LowEProtonBraggBeak | Faddegon et al 2015 [25] | V A |
Light ion Bragg Peak curves | LightIonBraggPeak | NA | V B |
Neutron yield of protons with energy 113 MeV and 256 MeV and 290 MeV/u carbon ions | ProtonC12NeutronYield | NA | V C |
Fragmentation of a 400 MeV/u12 C ion beam in water | FragTest | Bolst et al 2017 [26] | V D |
Test on cell survival modelling for proton therapy | Hadrontherapy | ***, Petringa et al 2019 [27] | V E |
tests already executed by Geant4 developers for regression testing purposes;
tests released as Geant4 extended examples;
tests released as Geant4 advanced examples.