Figure 1.
Experimental design and methodology. (A) Baseline functional assessments are taken at week 0 before STZ induction of diabetes (DM). STZ induction of DM is indicated by the dark blue line. Visual and retinal functional assessments are taken again at 3 weeks after STZ, before initiating the daily L-DOPA treatment which is indicated by the green line. L-DOPA treatment continues throughout the green shaded region. Visual and retinal functional assessments are repeated at 6 and 10 weeks after STZ. After 10 weeks after STZ, animals are euthanized and retinas are collected for HPLC to measure retinal L-DOPA, dopamine, and DOPAC levels, indicated by the red line. (B) A cartoon of a rat undergoing OMR assessment of visual function while sitting on a pedestal surrounded by four LCD monitors to create a virtual drum. The stimulus changes in SF are described in (D). (C, E) ERG recordings and corresponding filtered OP tracings for dim, rod-driven flash stimuli. Red numbers indicate the OP peaks and the red dotted line represents OP2 implicit time.