Fig. 4.
In Vivo validation of markers for aMIPCs, bMIPCs, AS-IPCs and OPCs in the E17.5 cortex. A EGFR is expressed in a high lateral (ventral) to low medial (dorsal) gradient in the E17.5 cortex. B Most translocating RGCs express EGFR, ASCL1, and OLIG2 (arrows). C EGFR+MKI67+ cells (arrows). D EGFR, ASCL1, and OLIG2 triple immunostained cortical section. Note a few translocating RGCs with downregulated ASCL1 expression (arrowheads). E A few translocating RGCs (AS-IPCs) express ID3 (arrows). F EGFR+PDGFRA+ OPCs in the cortex (arrows). G-I Quantification of the above immunostaining experiments. Mean ± SEM (n = 3–5 mice). CP, cortical plate; Ctx, cortex; IZ, intermediate zone; LV, lateral cortex; MZ, marginal zone.